
Kamini Kashyap Mithila Painting of Episode Related to King Shiv Singh and Tughlaq Subedar I 12x22Inch I Acrylic Colour I Hand-Painted


The Painting shows a very memorable incident related to Shiv Singh King of Darbhanga, Poet Vidyapati and Mughal Subedar. The story is about the incident when the king of Darbhanga was captured by Mughal Subedar and Poet Vidypati’s wiseness helped the king in getting released. More Stories can be checked at:


Artist: Kamini Kashyap

Painting Dimension: 12 inches x 22 inches



This painting is from the series of “Story of fearless warriors ”   in this theme hardly any artist work this painting is about when King Shiva Singh was defeated by Tughlaq Subedar and later imprisoned him.

There was a famous poet Vidaypati who used to be a close friend of King Shiva Singh. Vidaypati pleaded in front of Tuqhlaq Subdar for the release of King Shiva Singh.

Vidaypati and Tughlaq subedar make an agreement in which Vidaypati have to present some unique poetry by which he had to impress Tughlaq Subedar if he got successful then King shiv Singh get released from the custody of him Vidaypati didn’t get successful in this even he try hard later on Mughal Subedar wrapped him in a box and hanged in well in which women were already lighting a fire which was quite a dreadful situation when Vidaypati saw all this and some realistic poetic verses he told which impressed Tughlaq Subedar and later on he released both of them. In our Painting colors and delicacy of each line narrates the bravery of Vidaypati and king Shiva Singh.

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Dimensions N/A
Base Material

Handmade Paper

Painting Color



No, Yes

Painting Dimension

22 inch x 15 inch




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