
Kalpna Kumari Mithila Painting of a Flower and a Bee


The petals of the flower in this Mithila painting are used just to represent the flower as Sunflower and the darkness shows the cloudy weather.

Mithila painting Dimension: 13 x 11 inches

Artist: Kalpna Kumari


Bees are always seen roaming around flowers and sucking the juices from them to make honey. Buy this beautiful Mithila Painting of a Flower and a Bee on black background. The black background shows the cloudy weather with Sun hiding behind the clouds. The flower is given a feminine presence. It will look beautiful on the light background walls.

  • 100% handmade painting
  • Made by local artisans
  • Framed painting will be sent after consulting the customers about their frame choice.


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